Bidisha Mondal - Developer Portfolio

Case Study - EloquenceAI

An application that utilises Google's Gemini API's and offers an interface that allows users to rephrase written content and the ability to choose from carefully curated list of prompts.

Computer Software
Generative AI


EloquenceAI is an AI-powered writing assistance tool inspired by QuillBot AI, designed to help users generate high-quality content through curated prompts. This tool leverages artificial intelligence to facilitate the writing process, offering various functionalities to enhance text generation, editing, and refinement. The project is built with Next.js and employs technologies such as TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and Prisma for a robust and efficient development experience​​.

EloquenceAI aims to provide a seamless experience by integrating Generative AI with an intuitive user interface to offer assistance with content writing requirements​.


The core of EloquenceAI is developed using Next.js, a popular React framework, which allows for server-side rendering and static site generation. This ensures that the application is highly performant and scalable. The project setup involves running a development server using commands like npm run dev, which facilitates local testing and iteration during the development phase. The use of Next.js also allows for easy deployment on platforms like Vercel, providing a straightforward path to bring the application live​​.

TypeScript is employed throughout the project to enhance code quality and maintainability. By using TypeScript, the developers ensure that the codebase is robust, with early detection of potential errors through static typing. This practice significantly improves the reliability of the code, making the development process more efficient and reducing the likelihood of runtime errors. The inclusion of ESLint further aids in maintaining consistent code standards and style across the project​ (GitHub)​.

Styling is handled using Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework that allows for rapid and flexible design implementations. Tailwind CSS is configured through the tailwind.config.ts file, enabling customized design tokens and theme settings that ensure a cohesive visual appearance. Additionally, the project uses Prisma for database interactions, providing a type-safe ORM layer that simplifies data management and integration with the application's backend services​. Google's Gemini API's were used for LLM Generative AI integration, essentially the brains behind this tool.










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